Saturday, February 13, 2010

The worst so far....

Today I went on my normal run with the group but it was the most difficult run so far. They always said you will have good days and you will have bad days.

This was a horrible day.....

I started off real good with the group, right in the middle keeping tempo until I notice my shoe came untied. Without even thinking, I just stopped and tied my shoe which I completely forgot I had people right behind me running!!! (Sorry, for the people I caught off guard). After tieing my shoe I looked up and they were 20 to 30 feet away. My goal for the rest of the trip was to get back with the group. I never even came close to the group.

So as I am trying to caught up with the group, which I am now at my 1st mile marker and I am starting to sweat. I didn't put two and two together when I wore my glasses that morning that I might of wanted to take the time to put in my glasses began to fog up . Which caused me to not see as well as I needed on the new route that we took yesterday. I just kept my eye on the group's back and thought to myself....if I can still see them through my foggy glasses than I wont get lost (Did I mention this was a new route that I NEVER took). When I took my next turn on a side road it was covered in snow and ice.
So, I am running in my foggy glasses, on ice and snow going towards the sun which was making it even harder. I kept trying to use my gloves to whip down my glasses; however, when you are hot and sweating through your second pair of gloves, you are battling a battle that you will never win.
(I ran about 80 percent of my 4 miles with fogged up glasses)

Through the whole run the wind was so cold, It was hard enough to breath in the cold 13 degree weather but even harder to keep your face moving so your face didn't freeze in place. I could feel the cold wind even through my teeth.
I thought to myself how am I going to make it? I normally run with two friends which both was not there yesterday. So, I had to keep positive and "I told myself I WAS NOT GOING TO WALK I was going to run the whole thing. I still had people behind me running and I wasn't the last one. SO I CAN DO THIS!!! Right?" As I have this peep talk to myself running through a neighborhood and I am pumping myself up mentally - A GUY PASSES ME ON MY RIGHT!

So I only had one other person left behind me....I thought to myself - "All I have to do is stay in front of that person and finish this" In the last half of mile she passed me - so I just took off and stayed on her ....right behind her in fact.

So what I finished last- but the cold, my shoe and my glasses where all working against me yesterday.

This weeks obstacles are ..... We are getting more snow tonight/tomorrow day and I have to run tomorrow night in that mess and Wednesday night we increase to 5 miles!!!

I had a hard time at 2 miles and never thought I could even run I am at 5miles. I don't think about it....I just do it.

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