Sunday, February 21, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Well its not spring yet but it is raining today so its almost spring.

I notice my favorite and large make up bag was looking a little bit "used" or maybe "over used". I believe I got it around the same time I got my gym bag (a Blog below). So I started looking for another makeup bag through my "Bag Closet" and while I was searching... I realized I had another 5 small make-up bags with make-up in them.
I had no idea how much make-up I had or had not been using. However, the question is...Should I throw away brand new make-up away or keep it? Its new and I never have used that I know its there I "might" use it...... Then a light bulb came on as I am going through these items - Am I a pack rat?
Lets recap here....
I have a "Bag Closet" (which I do go through yearly and donate some)
I found MANY make-up bags that I have had for years as gifts
I have make up bags full of make-up and tools that I never even knew I had.

What makes this worst.....I found a unused Secret deodorant that I NEVER knew I had.
Did you know Deodorant expires? February/2007 to be exact.

1 comment:

  1. LMAO Meggie, you are too funny. Every woman does that at some time or another. Love ya, Aunt Mary
