Thursday, September 30, 2010

Let the B-day Weekend began

Hosting a Birthday dinner tomorrow night than my mother in law will be in town and we are going down town to Indy for dinner.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Push Ups

I spoke with my Brother tonight and he was asking about working out and I was giving him some tips of free work outs he can do it at home.
For example - Push ups, he said "Oh, I tried them and could only do two". I said What?! I just did 150 of them this morning!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

3 way Phone Call

Remember when 3 way phone calls was new and popular. You never hear about people using 3 way anymore. The other day on my way home I was talking to my brother and we wanted to ask my sister a question. So my brother went to the other line, called my sister and reconnected with me.

On the way home we all three talked together about this and that.

Enjoyed my drive home that day.