Sunday, February 21, 2010

It wasn't a was a Steal

Since Bo chewed on my black boots...I been looking for new black boots on clearance to replace them.

I found a great deal on new boots on Satruday afternoon. I stopped by JC Pennys because I had gotten a $10 coupon but I had to spend $10 to use the coupon. So the first place I went was the shoe department. There was one pair of black tall boots on clearance and they were MY SIZE. They were on sale for $9.97, but I needed another item to use my coupon. So I picked up another pair of cute shoes for work for $4.97.

So I got $100 Tall Black Boots for free and a $60 pair of dress shoes for $4.97.

Total bill yesterday at JC Pennys $5.29 after taxes.


  1. Good deal Meg~~~See, things do happen for a reason. Aunt Mary

  2. I love good deals.

    And I love your new "look".
