Tuesday, August 18, 2009

He Cares

Today I came in from taking the dogs from a walk and my husband was waiting on me to get home because he recorded a part of the local news that he wanted me to watch.

As I was grabbing a water and etc he asked me to sit down. I told him to just play it and I will listen to it while I am finishing up. He stilled waited for me to sit down so I can only pay attention the the TV.

The news had a story on people that talk on the phone and drive. Not text but talk on the phone. He said he knows EVERYTIME I am in the car I am on my phone talking to someone.

This 24 year old woman was casually talking on her phone out on one of the county road by our home and flipped her car on the side because she wasn't 100 % paying attention to the road. The woman is now in a wheel chair and cant not walk anymore.

After the story had finish it. He turn to me and asked for me to think twice about driving and talking on my cell phone because he did not want me to end up like the woman on TV.