Sunday, August 2, 2009

Girls Night

I meet up with all of my college friends last night. Everyone came in out of state or into the city of Indy to have dinner and go to a causal bar. We had drinks and dinner and we never acted like a minute or a year had passed.
We are all different and come from different walks of life but we have so much in common.

I missed them all and I cant wait until the next time we meet again.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this picture of us! And it is crazy how we all get along so well in spite of the fact that we are all very different. I'm so glad that we are all still finding the time to get together and stay in touch. I think if we ever were going to lose touch with each other it would have happened by now so I look forward to the many more get togethers we will have in the many years to come!
