Thursday, January 7, 2010


Some people hate change and others love CHANGE. I came into the new year ready for a CHANGE and wanted to start my new job as soon as I could. However, I was reminded how lucky I have been this year with working with great co-workers during my temporary jobs that I accepted in 2009.

So, I didn't think anything when I started my new job on Tuesday. Well, I walked into a company that have been going through CHANGES and the employees that work there do not like CHANGE.
I replaced a lady that worked for the company for a while and was a older lady that didn't like CHANGE or want to learn new things. So her and her boss became to an agreement that it was best for her to move on. So, she left her friends (which are people, that don't like CHANGE) and quit her job (or in their words...pushed out).
However, this new young girl, that is updated on technology and a fast learner willing to CHANGE and ready to jump right in to take on her new role is not liked as well. I try to be friendly and say good morning to everyone but the females (all as old as my mom or my grandma) wont give me the time or the day. I am not going to try to hard, I am going to be the bigger person.

I know the generations are different but in these times you must be willing to learn and grow and CHANGE.

They are going to lay off more people this next week coming up because some don't like to CHANGE. .

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