Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Anyone on a Diet?

Has anyone been on a diet? I am on one right now.

Ever try diet pills? Too many years ago for me.

I once heard Oprah once say "If there was a pill out there for weight lost, I would already bought it and had lost the weight a long time ago" So, if the richest lady can't find the pill or the quick fix answer. Than there isn't one.
I enjoy working out, but eating right can be hard. I am teaching myself to change my life style and not to call it a diet. ( To late...I already said the "D Word" 3 times). Life Change, Life Change, Life Change.
I have bought a lot of vegetables and fruits lately. I clean, cut and put them in a container and place them in the fridge so I can easily grab them instead of chips or something else bad for you.

I think at this time I am doing a good job. I try to keep active with some kind of work out every week (about 6 to 7 hours a week total) and I have lost 15 pounds in 7 weeks. However, the hardest thing is my husband.

He loves the fast food, chips and Mt. Dew (Not pop...gotta to be the dew). This life change is to help us both and I am trying to rub off on him. I might not get him to the gym as often as I do. But at least I can change what he is eating at home. Notice I said home, when he is at work he runs out and grabs Wendy's, McDonald's, Chinese or sometimes subway for lunch.

Both sides of our family deal with very poor health issues; for example, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, high blood pursue and ect. We both worry about our family members and scared for their health. I told my husband in a recent conversation Lets Break the Cycle. We are young and we can live a healthy life for our family and our little dog Bella.

So lets stop and think before we eat

Park the car a little father away from the store in the parking lot

Take a walk on a nice day around the block.

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