Sunday, July 25, 2010

Boot Camp

I started a boot camp last Monday and its been real interesting. Its military style boot camp.

When I say military its - Yelling, drop give me 50 and if one person is late...everyone is screwed.

One of the girls that had took the class a few times before kept saying "Oh shit" a few times, and I turn to her and asked why do you keep saying this as we are standing in line. All sudden, we all had to drop and do 60 push ups because SOMEONE forgot their equipment.

Oh and a push up is 2 = 1. (i.e. down, up, down, up =1)

I have said "Oh Shit" many times this past week.

We carry 2 gallons of water on our back all of the time -as we run around or how many push ups we are doing or how many lunges we are doing threw a car lot. Eveywhere we run we have to repeat after them....Left Left Left Right Left.

Both knees are skin up but I enjoy getting my butt kicked at 5am three days a week. I am also still running two days a week as well.

I will let you know if I kill over after my 7 week course.

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